Monday, November 4, 2013

Why, Hello There Darling.

     Welcome! My name is Mazie (May-zee)! I am a wife to one good lookin' man named Brice and a momma to our four beautiful children- 2 two-legged named Jax & Eden and 2 four-legged named Kimba & Achilles. We live off of 1 income here in the Miller Household- my husband's. I sell a line of jewelry and other girly things called Stella & Dot. I am a firm believer in God, love, peace, and that there is always a cheaper way to do things. 

Brice & I

Jax & Eden

Kimba & Achilles

     Our family lives in a town right outside of Houston- a far cry from where I came from. I, along with pretty much all the women on my mom's side of the family, are from Fort Stockton, TX. A very dry, ugly desert in way west Texas. My grandparents still live there. Bless their hearts. Gimmie (my grandmother in Fort Stockton), is the queen of home remedies. She is a country gal, along with my Pappy who does handy work for all the churches and pretty much the rest of Fort Stockton. I would have to say I get my "I bet I could make that for cheaper"-ness from Gimmie. Her and my amazing mother-in-law, Marsha. I get my eye for design from my mom, for sure. But of course, I put my own twist on things :)!

Gimmie & Pappy (Fort Stockton's Mr. & Mrs. Clause)

Brice & my MIL, Marsha

Jax & my mom

     I started this blog because I do a ton of DIY work. Times are so tough now, and people try so hard to make it seem like they aren't struggling. We all are (thank you Obama), and I don't thinks its fair that we all have to suffer. Just because we don't have money like Beyoncé doesn't mean we can't furnish and decorate our houses, accessorize, or give nice things like she can. Take THAT!

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